Faisal Qureshi
Faisal Qureshi
Computer Science
Visual Computing Lab
Faculty of Science
Ontario Tech University (formerly UOIT)
UA4000, 2000 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, ON L1G OC5 Canada
(905) 721-8668 x 3626

Honours Thesis

Ontario Tech CS students in the final year of their studies can choose to do an honours thesis. Please consult the program requirements to see if you meet the minimum GPA to pursue an honours thesis.

In addition to these requirements, if you wish to work with me for your honours thesis, please read on.

I only take a small number (1 to 2) of CS undergraduate as honour thesis students each year. There are many benefits to completing an honour thesis; however, it is also a lot of work. Doing a good honour thesis requires hard work, background knowledge, research aptitude, time-management skills, and technical writing ability. Of course, you further hone these skills during the eight months that you spend on your honours thesis with me. In any case, I urge you think carefully whether or not it is the right path for you. Generally speaking, doing an honour thesis is the right choice if you are considering graduate school. If you intend to go to industry, you need to make a strong case for why I should take you on as a honour thesis student.

My interests are broad and I get easily excited by interesting problems at the intersection of computer vision, deep learning, vision-for-graphics, camera networks, and system development. I encourage you to go through my publications and my research projects to get a sense of my research interests and background. Also do not be afraid to pitch me your idea. I am open to new ideas that are smartly articulated.

My current research interests are:

Ok, so you have decided to work with me. Please set up an appointment to discuss your interests and how these overlap with mine. It is also beneficial for you to speak to my students. These can tell you what to expect if you end up working with me. If you end up doing an honours thesis with me, it means that we have arrived at a project that is of mutual interest.

Now that we are working together, I expect that you will put in the effort required to do a strong honours thesis. It will be important when it comes time for me to write you a reference letter.